Collective Energies can be a bit difficult to understand. There is so much going on! At certain times Collective Energies become more permeable. Especially as Energetically Sensitives, we are picking up on more Astral Energies in those times. Many of us have no conscious experience of collective per se, and yet we experience energetic effects every day of our lives. For the most part, we are not aware of the mechanics, which leaves us puzzled as to why we suddenly feel in a certain way. We all know what it’s like to feel perfectly happy and one phone call, conversation or email reverses our entire day...
As reported in weekly Energy Updates, we are all under the effect of the collective unconscious. Like changing weather conditions, our personal energy goes through our daily inner fluctuations, as well as outer influence. Other people, places, collective events - they all affect our energy on the unseen, subtle level, whether we like it or not. That said, we are not a victim of such influences, but due to our inner energetic WIFI we are constantly exposed to collective programs, conditionings and even forces that can manipulate how we see ourselves and the world. Typically only a few trained individuals can 'see through' these invisible layers of manipulation - but during Equinoxes and Solstices, this becomes possible for all of us.
Try to understand the expression of our Human Collective Group Karma as our tendency to violence, terror, war, fear, pain, and survival aspects. The current global collapse of cultural, racial, religious, economical and political power structures allows us to release our collective shadow, and therefore represents the inevitable healing task for us as collective. If we want to learn ways to get past the negativity of the current Global Shadow Clearing and find back to our inner source of power, we need to let go of our rigid opinions and beliefs and understand the larger context of what is going on in the world.
As a result of incremental vibrational increase of consciousness since 2012 we are experiencing is the cleansing of karmic debt on a collective level - of humanity itself. A global Healing process that allows us to evolve into higher levels of consciousness (click on link to read more about collective energies and karma.) In order to get through this predicted two year period of correctional collective clearing it is of utmost importance to understand the deeper meaning of having to go through geopolitical and planetary changes, and how they are linked to our personal struggles.
The energetic understanding underlying this statement is that we all gravitate to a certain matrix of preprogrammed or conditioned ‘ways of thinking or doing things’, whether we are aware of or believe in the existence of collective energies or not. Our development as human collective is the result of a karmic propensity to evolve - not the cause. The emergence of TRUTH as the paradigm for understanding ourselves and the world is a radical shift, that cannot prevail unless old structures and falsehoods are transcended.

However, as many of us energetically sensitives begin to realize, Collective Energies can influence our life tremendously and even determine our ability to see or deal with truth. Everything we can observe as societal phenomena, such as terrorism, peace/war, economic collapse, new inventions, ethics, progress, natural or manmade disasters, etc. can be linked to emerging layers of Collective Group Karma and Global Shadow, that need to be cleared and integrated. This is part of our inherent karmic purpose and propensity to go through a specific collective experience at the time period we were born into.
This doesn't mean that we have to go through the same misery as most on this planet. There are ways to hack collective karmic energies, so that our personal lives are less affected. Not that there is an escape from collective karma, but just like with our personal Karma, we can learn how to decouple from our predisposed energetic attachments through our spiritual/energetic consciousness work - which will provide us with the necessary vibrational stance to avert personal disasters and havoc.
In order to arrive in a space where we are provided with enough inner guidance and precognitive knowing to be at the right place at the right time requires us to be 100% aligned to truth and the vibrational levels above. Without the willingness to learn how to manage and integrate our own lower vibrational states of being (e.g. addictions, denial, avoidance, numbing) we will inadvertently be pulled into collective waves and their destructive energies.
Guiding energetically sensitive and/or spiritually awakening individuals through the jungle of collective and personal karma is one of a major part of the heart based consciousness work offered here at transCODES. Besides personal energy coaching, clearing and energy sessions we are allocating our time to weekly energy reports, to monthly energetic adjustment sessions and over twenty remote energy group sessions per month to assist people in working through and overcoming the deeper inner aspects of their awakening consciousness. There is no space for specialness in this process - only humbleness.
Moving out of collective karma energies can be challenging at first, as most of us have numerous hard-wired ego patterns that lead us to dodge, manipulate, lie or even deny taking responsibility for our lives and our decisions. Often this is formulated out a combination of our own experiences, family and cultural programming, our choices and of course our personal karma. Adding to this and working against our efforts to liberate ourselves from collective energies, is the collective control matrix. Through various mediums it bombards us with constant information and toxic messages that reinforce implanted collective programs in our energy field in order to keep us humans in our reactionary conditioning and following what is seen as 'proper modeling for success' in this life.
This can easily be seen by watching a bit of news or advertisements, where dodging, victimizing and blaming is common, and justifying our numbness to this meme. Anything is okay as long as you have something that makes it sound reasonable or okay (relativism), regardless of how twisted the facts or distorted the information presented is.Â
For most humans on this planet it is okay to be caught in collective karma, as it allows the individual to remain in a state of victimhood. This may sound a bit harsh, but the payoff is that we don't need to take responsibility for our lives. There is no questioning of the deeper karmic purpose. Following Collective Karma and staying 'unconscious' by going for what is accepted, expected or conforming seems the best choice. Global Shadow is not some evil force or aliens messing with our consciousness - it's the result of culminated human darkness since the beginning of our civilizations, that is coming out of the shadows to be cleared right now. Only those of us who willingly and voluntarily have faced their own shadows can see this. If we are caught by fear and anger we are unconsciously feeding the global shadow and are therefore caught in the global shadow clearing karma. This does not mean that the pathway of collective karma is wrong or bad, but you feel that this is not your karma, then stop feeding it! It just isn't your karma! Vilifying the collective or fighting against it is just another form of resisting the needed clearing. Instead, do what you can do to keep your energy free of collective ties by becoming true to yourself and breaking free from this mass delusion!
Working to free yourself of collective karma doesn't mean you'll leave your family and friends behind. Liberating yourself is not 'against' others, just because it's 'for' you - and so it merely means that you are willingly working to become true in nature, which cannot be accomplished by staying in the matrix. Breaking out of collective karma is done through dedication to being real and taking full responsibility for our lives. It is the act of letting go of our ego attachments and becoming integrous - nothing more. But, it takes courage, which is why most don't choose this path. With the willingness to challenge our own reactive, emotional patterns we can see where it is we are being real and where we are still dodging responsibility or truth. In fact, it isn't possible to discern truth until we make this leap and face our own ego mechanisms.Â
Through exploring our deeper inner energetic mechanisms and learning how to reconnect with in our Inner Power we can learn to shift our energy and feel out where our lives are not quite true. This hacking process can be learned through rediscovering our innate higher abilities. We all have the ability to hack the matrix. But it doesn't work the way most think...
The most effective methods for breaking free from the collective matrix are found in hands-on inner ego work with others. It allows us to untangle our limiting emotions, thoughts and behaviors, which can lead us to recognizing how our ego is what binds us to the collective ego. Therefore, knowing our ego and learning how to transcend our attachments is not only our prerequisite for seeing beyond the illusions of collective mass deception, but also our only way of becoming aware when we are being pulled back into collective patterns.
With time and practice, our ties to the collective become less and we can move into a space where we feel more in control of our lives and personal energies. In our experience as energy healers and energy coaches, this typically leads to wanting to further into working towards deeper connection and learning how to consciously manifesting a life in truth - and for many also to an entirely different paradigm of understanding the purpose of our spiritual journey here.
This pathway of the heart not only aids tremendously to healing and change, but also assists in reclaiming our soul's sovereignty of our personal path through accessing the connection to our Inner Higher Power that helps us to move to the rarified space of our higher consciousness. The purpose of this karmic clearing is to allow us to possibly see and feel new ways to change or let go of old patterns that tie us to the views and energy of the collective.
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Much Love,
Jona Bryndis